So the time of day that used to be my favorite has now become my least favorite. During PST I loved lunch time – I loved meeting up at the hub with everyone and discussing everything about everything. I loved that we would all share lunches, if someone forgot a lunch it was never a problem because the rest of us all had TOO much lunch anyway. I loved setting the things we didn’t want in the middle and the daily saying of, “is this up for grabs.” I loved when someone received a package from home and it was Christmas for everyone because we all shared (we were all winners!), I love us Kaz-20! Now I have lunch with 5 wonderful women who don’t speak any English and generally I speak very little and understand next to nothing; we all have the same meal so it’s not like we can trade and I don’t know how interested they would be in trading anyway. Today I went to lunch a little bit late only to find far more than 5 women in the “Teacher’s lunch room!” There were 15 women sitting around a much larger table! On the table was lots of delicious looking food! Among the types of meat…HORSE! I was so excited to try horse! Now before you begin to judge me, know that in Kazakhstan horses are not kept as pets and there are lots of “wild” horses. I know that eating horse back home would be so WRONG! And how many others times in my life will I be able to try horse! I thought I might gag at the idea of eating an animal that we don’t eat at home (and couldn’t help thinking about one of my good friend’s back home who has a horse – sorry Deb), but to my surprise it was very delicious! There was also wine at this lunch which we don’t normally have with lunch and it was followed by toasts, which I cannot really say yet because of my lack of Russian skills, but I did what I could and most people are generally impressed – Maladeyets Christina!
I attempted laundry again today and did it the way that I was taught last week – personally I think it’s more efficient the way I do it, but then again, during PST my host mom did everything for me, so I guess I really don’t know and I wanted clean clothes for my weekend trip! I could wash like 4 items at a time – which really is not that many at all, but on the upside only took 20 minutes in the washer and I didn’t have to hand wash them! I purchased a ticket to go north to be with other Volunteers for Thanksgiving – well, actually I get there on Friday because I work on Thanksgiving and would work generally the day after as well, but took a day off – I know crazy! I’m totally excited! I’m going to meet one of my very favorite Kaz-20 friends! (and all of her site mates). I was told that they have snow – we do not have snow yet – I know I shouldn’t complain about that, but if it’s going to be cold it might as well be snowing! So thankful I don’t have to drive in it this year!
Last week I was riding the bus home when I saw a massive amount of people at the Cinema, curious about what was going on, I made my way toward the cinema. I could see a bazaar type thing, but could not see what it was they were selling. I thought ‘this must be a mini bazaar’ which I was all about because BIG bazaar are too overwhelming for me. I went to the cinema and as I got closer I realized it was a meat market. They were cutting meat everywhere and there were cow heads sitting on tables! It was kind of gross / cool at the same time!