Do I look like the kind of girl who…
Wants to play in the dirt with worms? NO! I hate worms, I hate being dirty and detest dirt under my fingernails (I do realize I’m in the PC J) I can’t keep a plant alive to save my life and really have no desire to have my own garden – especially with the bazaar SO close!
Wants to take care of any sort of animal? NO! Pets are nice, especially the ones that belong to someone else. I never want to have my own – this would be too much work and think of the money I save by not having a pet. Although one of my biggest fears is that I will be the crazy cat lady in about 40 years!
Can cook? NO! Well, if you like burnt items or want to do a random fire drill, then I’m your girl! I’m REALLY awesome on the microwave though J and enjoy baking.
Cares about the rules? NO! Sure, I think some rules are good – but generally I think there are FAR too many rules to remember and are mostly created to be broken…right? Don’t be fooled, I follow the rules that I think make sense, but if it’s a lame rule just made for the sole purpose of having a rule…forget about it!
Cares that one never orders chai and chetchel or beer and ice cream together? NO! If that’s what I want, I don’t think it’s all that weird.
I signed up for the Peace Corps last January and began the never ending process of doctors, dentists, faxes, emails, phone calls, etc. I quit my favorite job working with individuals with developmental disabilities, which I loved. I wanted to do something BIG, to make a difference. I was nominated for Special Education in Central Asia. I want to work with individuals with special needs – this is my passion and my love, my calling. I want to show teachers a different way of teaching these individuals in the classroom and help parents better understand their children and give them hope. I want to create and help implement treatment plans. I want to assist in setting achievable goals for these individuals and work alongside them every step as they strive to reach the goal. After the first goal is achieved I want to assist in setting another and another and another, etc. I want to work with students on meaningful tasks – those things that will actually be beneficial for the future – and help them integrate into their communities. I want to help them to realize their full potential and give them a fair chance at the world. This is the “kind of girl” I look like.
Right now, I’m “working,” well, more like sitting, at a school where none of the children have special needs, where my job will be finding grants for their greenhouse project (once they have a greenhouse project) and where I will be starting ecology club – yea, because I have a degree in Psychology and NO experience with ecology, yet somehow this makes sense. I know I’ve only been at site for three months and hopefully work will come. I’m going to get though winter and pray for something more in the spring/summer, when people actually leave their houses! For now, I will try to be content knowing that this is where I’m supposed to be, work WILL come and the “grass isn’t greener on the other side.”
In other news, I have found Coke Light (aka: Diet Coke)! I found it at the new store which happens to be next door to the school I am currently sitting at! This is all the motivation I need to go into work :-) The first day I purchased 2 cans thinking I would save one for the following day, but the second can did not see tomorrow, then I decided I shall purchase only one a day, this way I will not become dependent and will become friends with the cashiers and it will be just like my Wesco back home!
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