Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One down

One week down, 102 left to go! The first week here at site was full of highs and lows. Some highs: I did manage to find where the internet café is located, I can take the bus to work alone, I have made friends with a woman from my workplace who speaks English well, I have a schedule and will begin English clubs this week, I got acquainted with my town and know where the important things are located, I was able to walk through the bazaar and have a favorite seller, I met two local people who speak English (one has agreed to help me with translation of seminars!), I was able to sign up for my own PO box (all by myself), and made spaghetti for the fam while listening to English music way super loud! My sister from Karaganda (like 6 hours away), came for the weekend just to see me J She studies English there and her English is very good

I’m still adjusting to life here and trying to figure out just what my role will be at the school since I will not be teaching.

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